Wendy Picken’s Mango Smile Studio is located in Sidney, B.C., where she creates her paintings, offers workshops and private and group classes. She produces seasonal art cards, prints, and has written and illustrated two books. The flower-filled garden surrounding her studio often provides inspiration for her whimsical, vibrant images.
“Finger painting without the paint” is how Wendy describes the mixed medium technique she has developed since 1988. With her fingertips, she combines Stabilo crayon, pastel, china marker and wax polish on paper. “Art from and for the heart”, Wendy’s work is a colourful celebration of nature’s seasons of love and life.

Wendy offers “Finger Painting Without the Paint” workshops as an opportunity to share her technique using all her materials, for anyone interested having FUN while exploring their creativity.

A treat for all ages; Rainbees & Honeybows: A Vancouver Island Fairytale and Gramma’s Pearl Soup and Grampa’s Mango Smile. Wendy created enchanting tales, and given them wings with her lush and beautiful paintings.